Malayalam Baby Boy Names तो इस लिस्‍ट को देखकर हो जाएगा दिल खुश

दोस्तों आज इस आर्टिकल में आपको Malayalam Baby Boy Names की सूची देने वाले है आप अपने बच्‍चे के लिए सबसे प्‍यारा और यूनीक नाम ढूंढना काफी मुश्किल होता है। अक्‍सर पेरेंट्स को इस काम में काफी मेहनत करनी पड़ती है।

Malayalam Baby Boy Names अपने घर में शिशु के जन्‍म के बाद उसका नामकरण करने की प्रथा है। कहते हैं कि नाम ऐसा होना चाहिए जो बच्‍चे को गुणों से भर दे और उसके जीवन में पॉजिटिविटी लेकर आए।

दोस्तों आज यहां हम आपको Malayalam Baby Boy Names की लिस्‍ट दिखा रहे हैं। आपको अपने बेटे के लिए इनमें से कोई एक नाम जरूर पसंद आएगा।

Malayalam Baby Boy Names 2024

AaravPeaceful, Calm
AdvaitUnique, Non-dual
ArjunBright, Shining
AswinLight, Horse tamer
AyaanGod’s Gift, Blessing
DevGod, Divine
DhruvPole Star, Immovable
EshanLord Shiva, Desirable
GauthamLord Buddha, Bright
HarithGreen, Plowman
IshanLord Shiva, Sun
JithinVictory, Conqueror
KarthikLord Murugan, Bestower of Courage
LakshmanBrother of Lord Rama, Auspicious
MadhavLord Krishna, Sweet like Honey
NandanSon, Delightful
NeerajLotus, Pure
NiranjanPure, Flawless
PranavSacred syllable Om, New
RahulConqueror of Miseries, Efficient
RohitRed, Rising Sun
SandeepLight, Illuminated
SarathAutumn, A season
ShreyasSuperior, Prosperous
SudhirIntelligent, Wise
TejasRadiance, Power
UdayanRising, Appearing
VarunLord of Water, Intelligent
VihanMorning, Dawn
VishnuAll-pervading, Protector
YashFame, Glory
AdithyaSun God, Radiant
AnirudhBoundless, Lord Vishnu
BalakrishnaYoung Krishna
ChandanSandalwood, Fragrance
DevanandJoy of God, Blissful
EbinStone of help
GokulPlace associated with Lord Krishna
HarshanHappiness, Delight
IshaanThe Sun, Lord Shiva
JanithBorn, Birth
KiranRay of Light, Sunbeam
MithunUnion, Twin
NakulName of one of the Pandavas
ParthivPrince of Earth, Brave
RajeevBlue Lotus, Achiever
RithvikPriest, Saint
SreekanthLord Vishnu, Sacred
SuryaSun God, Bright
TanmayAbsorbed, Engrossed
UtkarshProsperity, Advancement
VimalPure, Clean
YuvanYouthful, Strong

Malayalam Baby Boy Names तो इस लिस्‍ट को देखकर हो जाएगा दिल खुश अगर हाल ही में आपके घर बेटे का आगमन हुआ है,

तो आप भी उसके लिए एक सुंदर और प्यारा नाम खोज रहे होंगे। Malayalam Baby Boy Names अगर हां, तो आपकी तलाश खत्म हो सकती है!

यहां कुछ बेहद क्यूट बेबी बॉय के नामों की लिस्ट दी गई है। इनमें से कोई न कोई नाम आपको जरूर पसंद आएगा। Malayalam Baby Boy Names

AadhilHonorable, Just
AaryanNoble, High-born
AbhinavNew, Innovative
AdvaithUnique, Non-dual
AkhilComplete, Whole
AmartyaImmortal, Divine
AnanthEndless, Infinite
ArvindLotus, Symbol of Beauty
AshwinLight, Horse tamer
AvyaanNot of this world, Boundless
BhaveshLord of the World
ChiragLamp, Light
DakshCapable, Competent
DarshSight, Lord Krishna
EshwarGod, Supreme Being
FarhanHappy, Joyful
GouthamRemover of darkness
HiranGold, Wealthy
HridayHeart, Center
IvaanGod’s gracious gift
JayanthVictorious, Conqueror
JeevanLife, Existence
KeshavLord Krishna, Long-haired
KiranRay of Light, Sunbeam
KrishivLord Krishna and Lord Shiva
LiyanGraceful, Gentle
MadhanCupid, God of Love
ManavHuman, Son of Man
MehulRain, Cloud
MithranSun, Friend
NihalJoyous, Successful
OmkarSacred syllable Om
PranithCalm, Leader
RaghavDescendant of Raghu, Lord Ram
RithulTruth-seeker, Honest
SachinPure, Lord Shiva
SadhilPerfect, Accomplished
SamarthPowerful, Capable
ShayanIntelligent, Worthy
ShravanDevotion, Listening
SujayVictory, Triumph
TarunYoung, Youthful
UjwalBright, Radiant
VaibhavProsperity, Grandeur
VedantKnowledge of the Vedas, Philosopher
VihaanMorning, Dawn
VirajSplendor, Ruler
YashwinSuccess, Fame
ZayanGraceful, Beautifier
AarishFirst Ray of Sun
AnvithReached, Completed
ChithranBrilliant, Bright
DharmikReligious, Righteous

हिंदू धर्म में भगवान कृष्ण को विवान भी कहा जाता है। विवान नाम का मतलब होता है जो जिंदगी को भरपूर मन से जीना चाहता हो और सुबह के समय की सूर्य की किरणों को भी विवान कहते हैं।

Malayalam Baby Boy Names & लड़कों के नाम की सूची

AahanDawn, Morning Glory
AarushFirst Ray of Sun
AbhayFearless, Brave
AdvikUnique, One of a kind
AhanDawn, Sunrise
AksharEternal, Imperishable
AlokLight, Brightness
AmoghUnerring, Unfailing
AnvayJoined, Integration
ArneshLord of the Sea
ArushRed, First Ray of the Sun
AtharvVedic Texts, Knowledgeable
AyushLong Life, Age
BhuvanWorld, Universe
DarshanVision, Sight of God
DeekshithInitiated, Consecrated
DevanshPart of God, Divine
DhairyaPatience, Courage
EshaanDesiring and Wishing
HarivanshBelonging to the family of Vishnu
IshirPowerful, Strong
JaivantVictorious, Triumphant
JairajLord of Victory
KairavWhite Lotus, Pure
KavishKing of Poets, Lord Ganesh
LakshanAuspicious Marks, Characteristics
LuvSon of Lord Rama
MaanavYouth, Respectful
MridulGentle, Soft
NakshMoon, Feature
NeeleshLord Krishna, Blue God
NimitDestiny, Fixed
ParikshitTested one, Proven
PrithviEarth, The Vast One
RachitInvention, Created
RanveerHero of the Battle, Brave
ReyanshPart of Sun, Ray of Light
RonavHandsome, Charming
RudranA Name of Lord Shiva
SaarthMeaningful, Having Purpose
SamvidKnowledge, Intelligence
ShlokHymn, Verse
SoumilFriendly, Affable
SparshTouch, Gentle
TanaySon, Offspring
TanishAmbition, Desire
UjjwalBright, Lustrous
VanshGeneration, Lineage
VyanBreath, Life-giving
YuvrajPrince, Heir Apparent
ZidhanAbundance, Growth
AarivKing of Wisdom
DevitImmortal, Eternal
IshankPeak, Everest

Malayalam Baby Boy Names & बच्‍चों के नाम हिंदी में

AarvPeaceful, Calm
AdvayUnique, Unparalleled
AghoshQuiet, Tranquil
AkarshAttractive, Alluring
AmeyBoundless, Lord Ganesha
AnayLord Vishnu, Without a Leader
AnmolPriceless, Invaluable
ArvindhLotus, Symbol of Purity
AthulIncomparable, Unmatched
AyaanGift of God, Blessed
BhavinIllustrious, Dignified
ChaitanyaConsciousness, Life
CharvikIntelligent, Bright
DevarshBlessing of the Gods
DhanvinName of Lord Shiva
EshithOne who desires, Wished
HarshithJoyful, Happy
HridayeshLord of Hearts, Kind
IvaanGift of God, Gracious
JanavProtecting Men, Defender
JivanshPart of Life, Soul
KalashSacred pot, Decorative Vase
KavirSun, Moon
KushalSkillful, Expert
LaganDevotion, Attachment
LishithBrightness, Light
ManvikIntelligent, Thoughtful
MitulLimited, Friend
NihitGod Gift, Hidden
NishithMidnight, Lord Krishna
OjasEnergy, Strength
PranayLove, Affection
PrayanProgress, Moving Forward
RanithCharming, Handsome
RiditWorld known, Successful
RudrakshName of Lord Shiva, Sacred bead
SaganStrong, Powerful
SaranProtector, Saviour
ShravanHearing, Name of a devoted son
ShreySuperior, Best
SohilHandsome, Beautiful
SuhanPleasant, Good Looking
TavishHeaven, Ocean
UdbhavCreation, To rise
VaibhavProsperity, Wealth
VayunLively, Moving
VihanMorning, Dawn
ViranshStrong part, Brave
YajvanReligious, Calm
YugEra, Generation
ZavianBright, Radiant
AaryanIllustrious, Noble
DhanushBow, Weapon

Malayalam Baby Boy Names & बच्‍चों के नाम की लिस्‍ट

AarvikBlessed, Graceful
AbhiramPleasing, Delightful
AdhritOne who doesn’t need support, Lord Vishnu
AgniveshBright as fire, Shining
AnvayJoined, Connected
ArnitBeautiful flower, Power
AyanavGift of God, Protector
BhavinLiving, Existing
CharvikIntelligent, Bright
ChirayuLong-lived, Immortal
DarvikTalented, Intelligent
DevenGodly, Like a God
DivyanshDivine part, Part of God
EshwinA victorious person
GatikProgressive, Speed
HaridOne who is like Lord Krishna
HrithulTruth-seeker, Honest
IleshLord of Earth, Lord of the Universe
IshvaanRich, Lord of Wealth
JivinTo give life, To live
KavinHandsome, Beautiful
KrishayDivine, Lord Krishna
LakshithGoal-oriented, Targeted
LiyanGraceful, Gentle
MihirSun, Light
NakshithMoon, Star
NihithEternal, Everlasting
OnkarSacred syllable Om
PraneethCalmness, Peace
RithwikPriest, Saint
RonavGraceful, Charming
SaihanFlowing, Moving
SatyenLord of Truth, Honest
ShayanIntelligent, Worthy
SharvilLord Krishna, Sacred
TavishHeaven, Strong
UdithRising, Grown
VeeranshPart of bravery, Courageous
VihaanMorning, Dawn
VivaanFull of life, Lord Krishna
YashasFame, Success
ZayyanGraceful, Bright
AarushFirst Ray of Sun
DevithImmortal, Eternal
EshithDesired, Longed-for
HridayHeart, Center
IvaanGod’s gracious gift
JanithBorn, Birth
KavirSun, Poet
NiravQuiet, Calm
PranayLove, Affection
VirajSplendor, Ruler
YuvinLeader, Strong
ZavianBright, Radiant
देव के अंश को देवांश कहते हैं। अगर आपके बेटे का नाम ‘द’ अक्षर से निकला है, तो आप उसे देवांश नाम दे सकते हैं। देवांश नाम संस्‍कृत भाषा से आया है।

अगर हमारी Malayalam Baby Boy Names से जुड़े आपके कुछ सवाल हैं, तो आप हमें आर्टिकल के ऊपर दिए गए कमेंट बॉक्स में बताएं। हम आप तक सही जानकारी पहुंचाने का प्रयास करते रहेंगे।

साथ ही आपको ये Malayalam Baby Boy Names अच्छी लगी है, तो इसे शेयर जरूर करें। ऐसी ही अन्य स्टोरी पढ़ने के लिए जुड़े रहें से।